tirsdag 9. april 2013

Topp 50 tegneserieblader USA - februar


Tittel Nr Pris Utgiver Solgte eks
1 Justice League of America 1 $3.99 DC 307,734
2 Uncanny X-Men 1 $3.99 Marvel 177,463
3 Batman 17 $3.99 DC 150,684
4 Justice League 17 $3.99 DC 105,304
5 Superior Spider-Man 3 $3.99 Marvel 101,811
6 Superior Spider-Man 4 $3.99 Marvel 95,892
7 Uncanny X-Men 2 $3.99 Marvel 94,615
8 Uncanny Avengers 4 $3.99 Marvel 87,539
9 Detective Comics 17 $3.99 DC 85,824
10 Secret Avengers 1 $3.99 Marvel 85,267
11 All New X-Men 7 $3.99 Marvel 85,234
12 Avengers 6 $3.99 Marvel 84,868
13 Avengers 5 $3.99 Marvel 82,452
14 Nova 1 $3.99 Marvel 80,857
15 Guardians of Galaxy 0,1 $3.99 Marvel 80,344
16 New Avengers 3 $3.99 Marvel 72,11
17 Green Lantern 17 $2.99 DC 71,06
18 Batgirl 17 $2.99 DC 65,751
19 Walking Dead 107 $2.99 Image 63,575
20 Nightwing 17 $2.99 DC 62,107
21 Batman And Robin 17 $2.99 DC 60,988
22 Aquaman 17 $2.99 DC 58,578
23 Savage Wolverine 2 $3.99 Marvel 58,254
24 Deadpool 5 $2.99 Marvel 57,312
25 Action Comics 17 $3.99 DC 57,189
26 Uncanny X-Force 2 $3.99 Marvel 56,713
27 Indestructible Hulk 4 $3.99 Marvel 56,214
28 Batman The Dark Knight 17 $2.99 DC 55,99
29 Batman Incorporated 8 $2.99 DC 55,414
30 Fearless Defenders 1 $2.99 Marvel 53,688
31 Captain America 4 $3.99 Marvel 53,112
32 Red Hood And The Outlaws 17 $2.99 DC 53,076
33 Thor God of Thunder 5 $3.99 Marvel 51,861
34 Walking Dead The Governor Special
$2.99 Image 51,355
35 Amazing Spider-Man 700 $7.99 Marvel 49,355
36 Saga 10 $2.99 Image 48,388
37 Earth 2 9 $2.99 DC 48,208
38 Iron Man 6 $3.99 Marvel 46,206
39 Cable And X-Force 4 $3.99 Marvel 46,104
40 Star Wars 2 $2.99 Dark Horse 46,063
41 Wolverine And X-Men 25 $3.99 Marvel 45,057
42 Fantastic Four 4 $2.99 Marvel 44,999
43 Green Lantern Corps 17 $2.99 DC 44,497
44 Before Watchmen Comedian 5 $3.99 DC 44,393
45 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic 3 $3.99 IDW 43,579
46 Young Avengers 2 $2.99 Marvel 43,559
47 Thunderbolts 4 $2.99 Marvel 43,287
48 Before Watchmen Dr Manhattan 4 $3.99 DC 43,273
49 Flash 17 $2.99 DC 42,936
50 Green Lantern New Guardians 17 $2.99 DC 42,285

Se flere salgstall på http://www.comichron.com/monthlycomicssales.html

Kilder: comichron.com og diamondcomics.com

Salgstallene er estimater fra comichron.com basert på rapporter fra USAs største distributør av tegneserier, Diamond Comic Distributors. Obs: Dette er først og fremst salg av blader fra utgiver, via distributør, og til tegneseriebutikkene - uten returrett. Dvs de kan teoretisk sett forbli usolgte i butikkene. 

Fra diamondcomics.com:

Diamond is at the nexus of comics and pop culture merchandise. Based in Baltimore, MD, DCD is the world's largest distributor of English-language comic books and pop-culture related merchandise, servicing more than 4,000 specialty retailers worldwide. For more information, visit Diamond on the web at www.diamondcomics.com.

2) How does Diamond calculate the charts? 

Data for Diamond’s sales charts are compiled by Diamond Comic Distributors from a universe of over 3,500 comic book specialty shops located in North America and around the world. The account base includes brick-and-mortar comic book specialty shops, Internet merchants, and other specialty stores.
Unit and dollars sales are calculated based upon orders invoiced and shipped to Diamond accounts during any given month, which comprises initial pre-orders, advance reorders, and reorders, minus any copies that are received back from a title marked as returnable.

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